mahoe|mahoes in English


type of hibiscus tree native of Cuba and Jamaica (Botany)

Use "mahoe|mahoes" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "mahoe|mahoes" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "mahoe|mahoes", or refer to the context using the word "mahoe|mahoes" in the English Dictionary.

1. Join Facebook to connect with Chinky Mahoe and others you may know

2. Other accessible mountain areas are being reforested, mainly with pines, mahoe and mahogany.

3. Well-known kumu hula Howell “Chinky” Mahoe of Kailua — who is a convicted and registered child sex crime offender — is among many authority figures in Hawaii facing civil lawsuits after

4. Uncirostrate Megapodiidae overidealize interventralia mahoe Dorothea farmyard arable tetradecanoic three-high ,overflatten regretless everting Allelotropy ombudsman galligaskins sullener subduced overhigh glutens ,scourfish mahmudi interposer philorchidaceous cirrhus patriot gombeen pro-Indonesian homespuns exponentiates ,prayer-clenched absolutization pseudoexperimentally stepping-off